Workshops / eBooks / Learning
See what Thomas Heaton has to say about Simon
Was it worth it? Absolutely yes, 100%. Did Simon give me a hard sell for a second workshop? Quite the opposite, in his de-brief his advice was to spend less time, and money, on workshops and spend more time out with the camera. He highlighted what I do well, and where I need to pay more attention and you can’t ask for more than that.
I have nothing against group workshops, far from it, but if you find you are getting less and less out of group outings, I can thoroughly recommend trying a one-to-one workshop.
One to one
Photography on Demand
Simon you have a very discerning eye for composition which was the reason I contacted you in the first place, and to spend time with you for some of that to rub off was well worth the time and effort. You described your considerations in uncomplicated terms, never setting yourself up as the last word but offering suggestions where you saw fit. I particularly liked your style of working; to whittle away at all the stuff that detracts from the image you see in your mind’s eye and arrive at the closest possible interpretation, clearing away the distractions from the image by so many different means.
I found the experimentation work we did with various lenses in similar situations very useful and this has really helped me to understand the wider applications of the tools I already have (and the ones I don’t) in capturing images that are very satisfying to look back on. And really that is the nub of it! To come away from a day’s shooting in the field and be pleased with the result. In that way I can say most definitely that you have widened my armoury of skills and thought processes, and given me something to take forward that no piece of kit ever can.
In short, for someone looking to expand their horizons from an artistic or creative point of view through composition, or to better understand the technical and practical elements of camera craft I cannot speak highly enough of your skills and approaches in your workshop. You make for good company Simon in many ways, and your knowledge of the countryside was interesting certainly but it was entertaining too. For people like me with an interest though no great knowledge of the various species of plants and birds we encountered, or ecological matters generally, it was an added bonus and a great part of a very enjoyable and worthwhile day.
One to one
So, thank you again & I'll happily share my images once I've processed them.
Woodland Workshop
Lake District Workshop
Sometime ago I attended a photographic workshop with Simon Booth, based in the Lake District encompassing an early morning start at Blea tarn and then moving onto two other areas of the Lake District. I first became aware of Simon from his YouTube channel and enjoyed his presentation style and of course the results that he produces. I had been having some difficulties with my photography direction and was becoming increasingly frustrated at the constant push to over produce my images. I wanted to travel in a different direction and embrace the more natural beauty that the landscape has. When I met Simon I found that he was identical to his YouTube persona, his presentation style is very similar to the way he conducted himself in person, he is very calming and immediately put me at ease. He explained the format of the training/workshop and how the day would pad out. I explained that I was less interested in producing nice images from the day but rather learning the techniques that I can apply in the future. We live in an unpredictable climate and it is unreasonable to expect the weather and therefore light to cooperate fully. as it was we had very pleasant predawn light and plenty of water in one of the waterfalls which meant for several good images. I can heartily recommend Simons workshops, I’m sure beginner or expert can learn something from his approach to producing images and how he composes his work.