Simon Booth Photography

Lake District National Park – Southern Lakes Tour

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Sku: N/A
Level: Any

This one day workshop is for a maximum of three people so that all participants benefit from tuition that is not diluted and offers great value for money. Because of the limited daylight hours at this time of year, the workshop will take in both dawn and dusk to maximise the photographic opportunities available to us. This is a very unpredictable time of year so expect everything the British climate can throw at us, but it is this what makes this workshop so exciting. We could have sunshine, mist, frost, snow or all four in just one day so you will be well placed to achieve some truly amazing images. Conversely, it could also rain and be very windy, but this is landscape photography at the sharp end, the end where the best images are made.

Kase filters can be on hand for you to try for free during the workshop and are available to purchase through this website via the shop link.


The workshop starts with a morning session at the stunning Blea Tarn high up in the southern fells affording views across to the Langdale Pikes. Here we will spend time exploring the shoreline, problem solving by seeking out clean compositions among the many boulders that litter the water’s edge. The Pikes are often bathed in glorious morning light at this time of year and so it’s one of the best places to start the day. From there we head to the River Brathay to shoot the ancient wooded watercourse. After lunch at nearby Ambleside we head to Tarn Hows where we will spend the rest of the day photographing waterfalls/cascades and areas around the lakeside where there are often stunning reflections to be captured.

Meeting point to be agreed.

Duration – 8 hrs

Workshop starts at dawn

Group size is three participants and

includes travel between locations

Fitness Level – Easy

Ideal equipment: Digital SLR / 16mm – 35mm / 24mm – 70mm / 75 – 300mm / Macro / tripod

Meals not included, but there will be a cafe lunch stop in Ambleside

 Warm clothing and appropriate footwear is essential.

Wellingtons can be an advantage on the last location if there has been a lot of rain. Bring an umbrella if you can.

Dates: 13th April 2024, 14th April 2024
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