File reference: DLA-2114 – Limited Edition of 90 across the Executive and Cottage Range.
Traigh Rosamol dunes and the north Harris Hills, taken on the Isle of Harris and Lewis, Scotland, United Kingdom.
I took this image whilst recording a series of films for my YouTube channel in the early part of 2019. It was a race against the clock to get this photograph because the day so far had been very poor and it was my last opportunity on the island before heading home the following morning. I raced up and down the dunes for much of the evening whilst the sun was moving lower and lower towards the horizon line. Not only was I up against it in this respect, I was struggling to find a scene due to the many footprints covering the dune system, ruining almost every composition I could find. I finally settled on this composition, but knew instantly that the only way I could shoot it was as a panoramic in order to fully encompass the beautiful landscape that lay before me. On this occasion, there was cloud along the horizon line that threatened a good ending to my film, so I had taken an image that I was happy with, completed my final piece to camera and packed my filming equipment away. For the shot you see here, I hung around to see if the clouds would part and bathe the scene in a final burst of warmth…too much of a gamble for the film! However and to my surprise, the clouds did part and I got my shot and rather cheekily, slotted it in as a replacement to the one I took during filming. The final photograph is a series of five images stitched together, which has resulted in a final print that is three feet long without any enlargement.